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Camera Methods


Any method that starts with the character _ is not meant to be called.

new SUCamera

Creates a new camera instance.



If SyncZoom is enabled, deactivation calls will yield for a short period of time.

Camera:SetEnabled(Enabled: boolean)

Enables or disables the camera based on the passed value: true to enable and false to disable the camera.



Cleans up references and connections established by the module. Once the destroy method is invoked on a camera, that camera should never be used again.


Camera:ShakeWithInstance(CShakeInstance: CameraShakeInstance , Sustain: boolean)

Shake the camera by providing a CameraShakeInstance. You can create a CameraShakeInstance through the CameraShakeInstance's .new() constructor or by using one of the presets.
The Sustain parameter determines if the camera shake should be sustained or not.

local NewCameraShakeInstance =, 5, 0.2, 1.5)
local PresetCameraShakeInstance = ShiftUnlockedModule.CameraShakePresets.Explosion

-- One time explosion

ShiftUnlockedCamera:ShakeWithInstance(PresetCameraShakeInstance, false)

-- Sustained custom shake 

ShiftUnlockedCamera:ShakeWithInstance(NewCameraShakeInstance, true)

-- Stop Sustained/One time shakes

NewCameraShakeInstance:StartFadeOut(0) -- Instant Stop 

PresetCameraShakeInstance:StartFadeOut(2) -- Gradual stop 


Camera:Shake(Magnitude: number, Roughness: number, Sustain: boolean?, FadeInTime: number?, FadeOutTime: number?, PositionInfluence: Vector3?, RotationInfluence: Vector3?)

Shake the camera by passing the properties of a CameraShakeInstance as arguments directly to the :Shake method, without the need to provide a predefined CameraShakeInstance. This is particularly useful in scenarios where a preconfigured shake is not applicable.


Camera:StopShaking(FadeOutTime: number?)

Stops all camera shakes using the FadeOutTime Argument. If no FadeOutTime is provided then the camera shake's FadeInTime will be used for each camera shake.


Camera:SetZoom(Zoom: number)

Sets the camera's zoom to the specified zoom number. The provided zoom will be constrained within the minimum and maximum zoom values.



Sets a character to override the local player's character. You can use any character that contains a humanoid. The character will act as the new character that the camera uses. This feature can be used for spectating other players or NPCs. To re-enable the default behavior, use SetCharacter on the local player's character.